as some of you may or may not know i absolutely adore everything Ilona and Gordon Andrews right and this is no different.
I've actually read a massive chunk of this before on there blog/website but got a bit side-tracked with life as i do and fell behind, next thing i know their selling it as an ebook. of course i did the sensible thing and went out and purchased it straight away so i could call it mine own. it has sadly taken me until now to bloody finish the thing, i blame my terrible memory, i 100% forgot i had it sitting in my kindle. So you can imagine how excited i was when i blundered across it the other day.....
(use imagination here)
Ilona writes amazing characters, they always seem insanely strong but vulnerable at the same time, i have no clue how she does it but its incredible. also they always give me a good chuckle here and there, gotta love a good belly chuckle, no matter how insane you look while doing it. those silent ones are the worst.
Dina was so lovely, the Inn was the perfect way to show her personality. and what incredible powers! i wonder what it means, what will happen if other Inn Keepers find out? oh and Sean, he was smexy with a Capital S, I'm gad their relationship didnt go from 0 to 60, it makes it more interesting and exciting for the future.
Ilona does like her alpha's! lol.
now the world in this book i think is what set it apart the most, it was incredible! and so well done, i love the secret side worlds, and the images!
how everyone comes from a different planet to humans but still constantly interacting with them, and occasionally a sub-gene, like the vampires and werewolves. such imagination! gosh how does she come up with these things!?!
of course after i finished this book i went straight onto Ilona's website to check the progress of the next book in this series, lucky me she already had up the first 6 chapters! ^_^ and boy it some intense stuff! i cant wait for the rest *rubs hands together in gleeful anticipation*