Review: Interitance

The Legend of Kimberly: Inheritance - J.R. Leckman

This book was an incredible surprise. I was hoping for something decent, what i got instead was something absolutely amazing, almost like the true meaning of a book in-fact.

except im looking for the quote that says something about jumping into the pages and enjoying a new world.

Its hard to explain why i found this book so amazing, maybe it was because to Kimberley the books her grandfather wrote about a magical world where her fantasy, her escape from life's harshness. Something she dreamed and hoped was real millions of times, and the worst thing that could happen to Kim happens she finds out that this incredible, amazing, magical world is real but not quite cracked up to what she expected though she'll never leave anyways. Her dreams that started from a book finally came true.
This in part is what i found so wonderful about the book, The other part's would definitely have to be not only the characters themselves but the world and its crazy unique critters.
All the characters where fantastic, even the bad ones. they all had so much depth and story behind them. Kimberley while grown up in body still had child-like moments and it was fantastic, you felt her grief, awe, shock, happiness at the world along with her. how her family took her under their wing and showed her the way of life in this crazy new world. she'd her what it was like to be loved and accepted for who she was. also the switching between characters was flawless and ingenious!
Now don't think i forgotten about the world itself which was just as brilliant and came to life off the pages, the descriptions so well done and smooth, so easy to pictures with my minds eye.

The ending on the book was interesting, I'm not really sure what it means for the next book or Kimberly. I'm definitely intrigued and if i had money on my amazon account i would rush off right now and buy the next book! and hope its longer than the last! it went so quick, like the blink of an eye I was enjoying myself so much.

Oh also, No romance! *fist pump*

Rating: 4.5 stars
Recommend? Hell Yes, go read now!!
Reading the next book? YES! ASAP!