Review: Don't Kill The Messenger

Not a bad book for the first book in the series. Overall Melina was amusing, kick ass and have to admit pretty bloody grouchy. lol. Ted was a little ridiculous but in a good way - not sure what the guy version of a Mary-sue is but I'm pretty sure Ted would be in that category if it wasn't for his name, lol.
Book had some interesting paranormal critters - I'm interested in this Messenger business, it seems bizarre, I'm not sure why Eileen chose them to write about, maybe because they haven't been done before? but if it wasn't for the fact that Melina is nosy and cares about innocent babies i don't think her story would be anywhere near as interesting.
Side characters where rather interesting, i found it a little ridiculous they all claimed to have a great friendship with Melina at the end when throughout the book she wasn't very nice them most of the time and that never seemed overly thrilled to see her. Though for once i can understand why everyone wants to get into her pants, with as much exercise as she does she must have a pretty amazing bod. The cover was chosen well for once.
hmmm i know how to sum this book up, have you ever read a Stephanie Plumb novel? well this book gives me a deja vu feeling about her series. Melina chills out around peoples places a lot, doing stake outs or a little B and E. her boyfriend is a cop, though thank god there's no love triangle. add in a lot of paranormal activities and abilities. a lot more grouchy behavior from the main protagonist and some random mind rambling and you have this book, overall pretty entertaining and alright for a first book but could be better.
The all important question, will I be reading the next book?
Hell yes, its bound to get better from here.
Would i recommend?
Well if that ^^^^ sounds like your type of thing or you're a hardcore UF lover like myself, then yes.