Review: Circle of Fire

Circle of Fire - Keri Arthur

So i pretty much just finished this book in one sitting it was that engrossing. I'll admit i read a little on the way to work and from work last night but no more than a quarter at the most, today i sat down and pretty much just consumed this book. I cant even point out what it was about this book i enjoyed so much, was it the characters? Maddie was certainly lovely to read, besides her fear she had such courage and she wasnt an idiot which seems to be so common of late, even Jon was likable during his dickhead moments - prob helped we got to see from his POV occasionally and understood why he was like that. either way i was rooting for these two the whole way through and i didnt even care that the romance seemed to be the foremost issues rather than the kids survival or danger, which is SOO strange for me! usually i hate romance and groan whenever it takes over the book for some strange reason it worked really well in the Circle of Fire and i truely enjoyed the relationship between Maddie and Jon. though the end was a tad bit too cheesy for me im glad everything worked out in the end.


I have no clue as to whether this is the first book or not in the Trilogy, but im sad to see the other covers seem to have pictures of other girls on them, so this will prob be the only the only book from Maddie and Jon's POV. sad because i do really like these two.


The world is rather interesting as well, though we dont jump to deep into it during this book i can see there is much more to be explored and im looking forward to the next interesting critters we run into.


explains the book and characters personalities perfectly! 

When i saw this picture i thought it was the perfect image for both Jon and Maddie's inner monologue and couldnt help but laugh, oh how hard they did try. lol.