Review: Something Secret This Way Comes.

This is one of those Classic Urban Fantasy books that you either hate or love. I of course adored it, i love a good old UF here and there. I love a girl who can kick butt, has a sarcastic and amusing personality and no insane amount of romances. unfortunately this book did have more on the romance side then i tend to enjoy, to begin with i was perfectly fine with it, until i was told it was only going to get worse. an image of Anita Black clusterfuck of a love Icosahedron relationship popped into my head which filled me with horror. So while i generally enjoyed this book and i still 100% plan on reading future books I'm cursing the stupid werewolf/vampire matting laws. i hate them so much, they turn potentially awesome characters into ass buckets.... Well except that Secret is still awesome. I spent a good chunk of the book laughing over Secret's personality and jokes, I found her to be beyond amusing and refreshing compared to recent books I've read.
anywho..... love most of the other characters in here, secrets mum.... holy moly, talk about issues! Desmond is Awesome, I'm still iffy on Lucas. Keaty and Holden were also mad dudes.
the ending to this book was pretty much HOLY SHIT
I have no clue what Secrets reaction could possibly be, no thats not true. i think she could go one way or the other. I'm thinking she's about to dig a whole and swan dive into it....... here's hoping she survives! lol.