Review: The Locket Thief by Daniel Patrick

So it's taken me what feels life forever to finish this one and i'll admit to struggling to pick it up at times - at first i thought it was just me, i wasn't in the right mood, i had other fun things to do.... etc etc. but then i realized if this book was so great i wouldn't be feeling like that - i wouldn't want to put Hawaii Five-0 and Reckoning in front of this book. and so i've come to realize no it wasnt me, it was in fact the The Locket Thief itself.
Now dont get me wrong it wasnt bad, I actually really enjoyed The Locket Thief at times (especially the first half) and who can deny Sky Pirates! like come on, that shit is awesome.
The problem was this book came across with many fault.... well maybe not many per-say as just really annoying one's. Such as i don't recall ever being explained how the Sky Ships fly? and do they even actually look like ships? In my head they certainly do.....
Also the ending was rather ridiculously unbelievable at times. I rolled my eyes at all the impossibilities and trust me there were quite a few by the end.
also i never really connected with Lara. She's not a bad character, we just didnt merge into one. like i do with all my fave books. The ride isn't always nice or feels great but its something i still crave all the same.
The Villain wasnt very ..... well villainy. He made threats, lots and lots of threats and i was told how bad and evil he was, but really the dude didnt seem that bad which was disappointing. I know I'm weird, but i wanted to be disgusted by his villainous ways, believe he was truly a vile monster..... and well i didnt think that at all. actually thinking about it now for a book about pirates it was pretty tame and PG. not necessarily a bad thing, just not what i was hoping for.
One last complaint - have you ever seen the animated movie Treasure Planet? ( holly molly this book has some nice similarities to that. though on the flip side of that i think this book would make THE BEST movie! all that ridiculous action crap that you know couldn't be even close to realistic in the book? that would look so good in a movie - and besides its a movie, there all about over the top.
Now onto the good. While most of the characters are vague or just skimmed over there were a few nicely fleshed out one's. we over time we're slipped juicy details about where they came from and how they became part of the crew. Though i had difficulty picturing any of them in my mind except for Beebee, but then thinking of something similar to a non-green version of the Hulk would cover it. lol.
I like the fleshed out character's personality's. They were all so different except for the one fact that they all simply wanted to help the less fortunate. from the description of their ship they could of probably fitted that list as well! lol. i would not want to be that high in the sky on such a rickety ship! even had bloody meteorites crash into at one point.
The idea of this book is fantastic and with a bit more of the smaller details changed i think Sky Thieves could be loved by all. at the moment i think a younger generation would enjoy it more than I. and as i said before its very PG so would be fine for their sponge like brains. actually i dont recall even a swear word popping up.....
something else i noticed was the lack of romance in this book and it very much surprised me. especially with the main character, Lara and Bucker being such a good potential couple. truthfully im glad the author did something different and just kept them friendly.
Alright i think thats everything my sleep deprived brain can come up with at this time.
Who would i recommend to?
Family read with the kids would be great, or even early teens with a love of action and fantasy.
Will i read from this author again?
Favorite Quotes:
'Bucker recovered too, in time. Rosie declared him even cheekier than before he'd banged his head, but Bucker just denied this and ran off down the ship to find yet more mischief.'
'Despite their considerable size, the men were still dwarfed by Beebee, who must have stood a foot taller than both of them. When they saw him, they pulled up. "You can try those things on me," said Beebee, nodding down at the tasers, "but I'll feel no more than a tickle. You, on the other hand, when I catch you, will feel like a mountain's fallen."
last thoughts:
Struggled to rate....
this book needs to be made into a movie <- never thought i'd ever be saying those words! lol.