Review: Kahayatle by Elle Casey

Apocalypsis: Book 1: Kahayatle (Volume 1) - Elle Casey

Not a hundred percent sure this book deserves 4 stars, but I'm giving them anyways.

This is why:


The Good:


- The Characters.

- Kick-Ass abilities.

- Cannibals, yea you heard me. CANNIBALS!


I'll go into more explanation why i liked those topics so much in a moment. First though,


The Bad:


- Some of the characters behavior and accents.

- Tad immature, but not completely in a bad way.....


and thats about it.



So lets start off with the Characters, For the most part i really enjoyed them. I loved the relationship and depth to Peter and Bryn. The crap Peter went through before he even met Bryn... well the dude is pretty amazing.

 (view spoiler) 

Peter had a great personality, He's turned out to be my favorite character.


I liked how Bryn grew during the book, from a social outcast to having an adopted family made of strays (also including an adorable dog). Though i admit to

rolling eyes


at her convenient extreme martial arts training at the beginning of the book - but for the most part the martial arts was well described during fight scene's and to me seemed technically correct (though i am no expert).


Now onto the not so great characters.

I swear Elle has something against foreign people? Bodo drove me nuts with his ridiculous and inappropriate behavior. actually unless this is particular German behavior (?) i would of been slightly offended over his actions. Not only is he constantly trying to get affectionate with Bryn all the time, he also almost gets them killed just so he can impress her with candy, even AFTER she pacifically told him not to because of the potential danger. *head desk* what on earth was he thinking?..... actually i know what he was thinking. dude should use his other head (the one which hopefully locates a brain) to scheme his plans rather than using the one in his pants.

Also what is with his accent in the book? that shit was insane. I've worked with (recently arrived) Germans before and i don't recall them being so difficult to decipher or understand? and I'm notoriously bad for understanding accents (i even dragged my mother into the doctors once cause i couldnt understand what the doctor was attempting to tell me)

Now dont get me wrong overall Bado isn't a bad guy, actually towards the end i even liked him. though i am a little suspicious about his life before Bryn and Peter. what isnt he telling us? 




Now the other problem Characters.... Most of the Native Americans/Indian's were major dicks at one point or another. Which was not cool. all except for Paci, who i adore and think is awesome and Bryn should have his babies *cough Cough* I mean.......

Anyhoo overall if you ignore the few douche moments the "Indians" were alright dudes. I loved how they lived and how they followed their traditions but were also willing to accept new ones as well for the sack of survival.


Now onto what made this book. CANNIBALS! Who can say no to cannibals? especially child cannibals? how horrifically awesome does that sound? well the way they are portrayed in the book makes them even more nightmarish! and i loved how Bryn in a sick and twisted way gets them! that just adds something more to this book.


Though i wasnt super big on them being called zombies. like i get why they were sometimes referred to as zombies and if it was only mentioned once or twice it would have worked well, but they brought it up to frequently for my taste. and really their Cannibals not Zombies, for me personally there's a pretty big difference.


The Scenery was a tad underdeveloped to me, not in a way that really takes from the story, but i just think the swamp could of been so much more with just a bit more detail.


Alright this is my last complaint i swear!

At times Bryn was a little immature - now this is (once again) only for me. A couple of years ago i have no doubt I'd be hero worshiping the girl. and i can admit even now giggling here and there at her more childish moments. She's what? only 16? I'm not a monster, i get it. Chick can have her moments and like i said for a younger audience this book would be Awesome, possible 5 star worthy even.


Anyways great book.

Especially towards the end - it was about 1am and i was so tired but for the life of me i couldnt put this bloody book down because i wanted, no needed to know what happened next. of course in turn ended on a cliff hanger. UGH!. But it's cool, Im a big girl and can wait to find out what happens next in Warpaint (Apocalypsis, #2) 

Though Elle did warn us readers all her books end in Cliff Hangers, Evil lady.


Well thanks for reading my mind vomit.



 peace Peace.