Review - The Ruins of Gorlan

So I have owned this book for a while now and recently read it (duh) for my May monthly challenge. Anyways i spent the whole time truly believing that this book was called Ranger's Apprentice until about 30 mins ago, lol. Okay so there's no point to this beyond pointing out that I'm not always the brightest. ;)
Anyhoo onto the actual review. Pretty good book, solid 3 star read.
So we start off with four ward's waiting to be accepted as apprentices. It's fairly obvious how this will play out, but still enjoyable.
From here we read from both Horance and Will's POV. Horance is in battle school (were Will desperately wants to be) Will is of course the apprentice of mysterious Ranger Halt.
Will and Horance aren't exactly what one would describe as good mates, or even friends. Horance is a bully and Will is a smart ass. Of course as we read on we learn that this isnt strictly true, and there's obviously a lot more to their personality's.
I must admit for a good chunk of the book i preferred reading from Horance's POV which came as a surprise to me. Learning about the trials of Battle School was really interesting. Though there was some scoffing (from me) over how much natural ability was going around (especially with Will's riding ability). But towards the end I enjoyed reading from both boys POV and liked them both just as much. They were brave, selfless, courageous, intelligent and really just great guys.
Most of the other characters were also very fascinating. Two of my favorites being Baron Arald (who was the one to adopt all four wards - actually he adopts all orphans in his lands and attempts to give them a better life, which is awesome) The other is Sir Rodney. Both characters are highly amusing, good nature'd and i must say funnily kind of similar to big cuddly teddy bears! lol. though i wouldn't want 'them' to know i thought that!
Anyways lots of excitement, adventure, danger and horrifying monsters throughout the book. Plus many good life lesson's in this book for the younger ones (early teens). One example being that size doesnt matter, if you are truly a good and honorable person other's will eventually see - even if they may have judge incorrectly in the past.
I had much fun reading this The Ruins of Gorlan and i look forward to reading the next one in the Ranger's Apprentice series.
Peace out.