My First Biography - Beyond Ugly.

So not quite what i was expecting. though it wasnt at all boring, i had just hoped it would be on a women learning to cope with the aftereffects of server childhood trauma and learning to accept one's self. Sadly that was not the case, in fact Contance seem to get over it remarkably well as soon as she started lawyer school which i think is very unrealistic. though i did see some lasting side effects - she put to much importance on someone's appearance (most of the time that was the first thing she would note) and she was at times delusional. Thinking, hearing things that she obviously couldnt - which wasnt a completely bad thing, most of the time i thought it may of been her consciousness trying to communicate with her the only way it knew how.
Constance is also very emotionally stunted or just skipped over the feelings part when it came to other people. She was also rather self-centered, i know this book is about her and her life.... but still.
The law cases where very interesting though i feel Constance may of broken some confidential laws by telling us so much?! lol.
I havent read a book like this before that i can recall and i have to say im glad this was my first. It was interesting seeing the world through someone's real eyes for once. I also enjoyed trying to guess what was the actual truth and what Constance perceived to be the truth. It would interesting if i could find out what Contance's perception had changed.
The writing was well done and i believe i only came across one or two grammar issues.
Looking forward to reading more Biography's like this.
oh and just for my own curiosity, i actually Googled Constance to see her before and after surgery pictures - the surgeon was write, she was perfectly fine before hand, nothing weird or monstrous.
Before's :