Night of the purple moon - quick somewhat depressing read.

Night of the Purple Moon (Toucan, #1) - Scott Cramer

This book to AGES for me to get into. Im not sure what it was but for the first 2/3 of the book i didnt care about the characters, they were nice and all and their journey was devastating, by all rights i should have been in tears from fairly early on, but i just couldnt connect with any of them..... well i couldnt until maybe when the kids first lost the toddlers? or maybe afterwards when the brother and sister desperately struggled to save each other? Whenever it was that i started to connect and care about the characters and their stories the book became heartbreaking for me to read. and for the first time throughout Night of The Purple Moon i was truly scared for characters and weather they'd live to see tomorrow or not.


I have mixed feelings about the end of the book. What happened seemed pretty unrealistic, Im pretty positive ______ shouldnt have come back from that, or at least have brain damage. on the plus side i am happy with the two new editions to the 'islands family'. Im sure Mandy will make for an interesting story, she's rather unpredictable and i quiet like that about her.


And WHAT ON EARTH WAS WITH ALL THE LITTLE KIDS KISSING? that was bloody weird! their like 11 for crists sakes shouldn't they be more concerned about what their friends think rather than the opposite sex?


Anyways, overall not a bad book. The author - Scott, has potential and i wouldnt mind checking his books a few years down the road.


I was thinking of giving this book 2 stars  but the last part pushed it up to 3 for me, which i think is pretty good. 


also i finished this book in like a day and a half, YAY! lol God how i miss these shorter books are reading quiet a few epic/high fantasy books in a row.