White Horse - Alex Adams

im not sure what it was about this book, the writing style with its strange hypnotic words, the tail of loss and survival, the characters, the world. maybe all of it? whatever it was this book just sat.... perfectly with me. i absolutely adored it.
were there some issue's? sure, at some points my brain would drift of and have difficulty focusing, but this was rare and would usually only last for 3 sentences MAX before i was sucked back in. besides with the way surprises can from no-where who couldnt but be dragged back into this terrible world?
I loved how the story switched from 'Now' to 'Then' and met up towards the end. the author was incredibly smooth with these transitions that i didnt feel jarred from the story, which i think is a pretty big feat.
The main character, Zoe was just ... insane, sometimes, maybe most of the time literally. but no one can hold that against her, poor thing has been dragged through hell backwards then stomped on her a few times. but yea she was just amazing with the way she survived and managed to hold onto humanity. her moral compass was beyond impressive, i know i would of snapped long before she did.
The world was horrible, hideous filled to the brim with the worst humanity and mother nature could throw at it. and i loved it.
i think the reason why 'this world' had such an impact for me is because its just SO EASY to imagine it actually occurring. all the events afterwards and during 'The End' were just so realistic, i have no problem picturing people still driving buses around when 90% of the population is gone just because they have nothing better to do. The Swiss, now that was CRAZY! and SOO GOOD! i will not be surprised if i get nightmares from this. lol.
The words/language in this book is just... unexplainable. im sure someone with better descriptive skills than I could get my point across but sadly my writings just not up to scratch for how i felt while reading some of the sentences in this book.
sadly i didnt highlight a quote i could use now, but as im sure you can imagine at the time that was what was going through my head.
well i suppose a good way for you to find out how spectacular this book is to just go and read it for yourself!!
now.... to hunt down more books by this author!