Bloodlines by Skyla Dawn Cameron

i found Bloodlines ridiculously enjoyable, was it cliche and a tad obvious? all in the best possibly ways.
WARNING: spoilers ahead
I highly enjoyed Zara, i loved her selfish, self centered un-caring thoughts. her self preservation was insanely admirable. and of course it all came crashing down when someone show they truly cared about her. THEN! best bit.... she totally screwed him over!
i can not wait to see what happens with Zara and Nate. im a tad bummed the next 2 books wont be from her perspective but i imagine they'll at least be entertaining enough for me to have a bit of fun reading them. plus if not i can always skip to the forth book.
I'm REALLY hoping there will be a short from Nate's POV when he finally realizes what happened. i cant even imagine how he's going to react.
also another plus pretty much EVERYONE in this book besides Zara dies. which i have to say is a weirdly nice refreshing change. of course im always rooting for certain people to survive - as i was in this book, but Skyla just cut them all down one by one. was quiet brutal.
i would recommend to people who seriously enjoy Urban Fantasy, where the main lead is a somewhat heartless vampire with a troubled past.
also adult content. wouldnt recommend to the youngsters. ;)