Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

So this is my first Japaneses based story that i'v read, and my second 'Asian culture' based book. To say it was different from my usual reads would be an understatement but i enjoyed it all the same. plus i enjoy learning new things including different cultures besides my own, i always find them so fascinating. also Japaneses Demons - Oni - are one of my all time fave's, and they appeared a decent amount in Stormdancer, so that was pretty cool.
Oni Demon
I had a couple of SMALL issues, first one being i had to google a few words and search for the correct meaning, but it was worth it AND i learnt a new word. Bonus.
Second issue being that to me if you where able to talk to and understand animals how could you in-turn become a hunter? Yukiko comes across as really caring and considerate of others including animals. from butterfly's to dogs to a crazy half Eagle, half tiger, all animals except for apparently fish and rabbits, her only concerns for these two animals are how good and succulent they taste. Okay so maybe it fish are really dumb? MAYBE they dont mind getting caught then killed?
BUT there's no way one can make that excuse about rabbits. Rabbits make labyrinth burrows underground which keeps them safe, seems pretty intelligent to me. so how does Yukiko have no concern when it comes to munching them down?
Alright third issue - and i'll make this my last, alright so its more my opinion rather than an actual issue but no need to get all technical.
There's this man in this book. This man has killed men, women, children and unborn babies. Innocents. He's a monster. and he knows it. Shames in it. So does he seek redemption by helping the innocent? Nope, he kills more. why help the innocent get out of the building before you burn it when you can just burn them along WITH the building! and all for a good cause!!
"A demon lives inside my mouth, and speaks to me in quiet moments with blackened tongue. Wresting me from peaceful slumber and waking me sweating in the night. Two words. Over and over."
He swallowed, shook his head.
ugh idiot.
Kk now thats over and done with we can get onto the good stuff!
The World was incredible and so well explained. I can clearly see it in my mind even now. The Blood Lotus across acres and acres of land, patches of black scattered here and there. people in thread-bare clothing working the land in a dusty red haze, people shuffling along the streets or begging in the gutters, with metal goggles and handkerchiefs wrapped tightly around there blank faces. Big glistening robotic creatures slowly stomping through the crowds. (kind of like those old school submarine suits but brass and with weird contraptions hanging off them.)
The world is just incredible, bad but incredible.
this suit somewhat cross with this
its annoyingly hard to find the right type of apocalypse outfit, who knew there was so many different types? well i was thinking of a mixture of these
I also enjoyed the mind link between Yukiko and the animals but especially when Yukiko and Buruu merged minds, how they became one. that was wonderful to read about.
The battle scene's were epic and hardcore, gotta love the idea of everyone being badass and battle ready 24/7. i believe Jay Kristoff is trying to give me false expectations of Japan if im ever lucky enough to visit. lol.
The characters were an interesting mix of good and bad. i must admit i really enjoyed Buruu's and Yukiko's opposing opinions on who was good and bad and why. I love it when the characters i read about arent just one-dimensional beings, there not 'Just Evil' or 'Just Good' but can be a bit of both (sometimes depending on who's side your on. lol)
If i were th choose a fave character it would prob be Buruu. throughout the story he was changing and developing. plus he became pretty hilarious towards the end.
also im positive if i was to have a look around inside my cats head (Saber) he and Buruu would be rather similar. you see he has a rather inflated ego now that we have a kitten, who he will tolerate up until a point then he pretty much dominates her with a swipe of his paw. So now he has the belief he's pretty hardcore. but to be fair he isnt a bad or mean cat, he can be a mother hen at times as well. he likes to be clean and likes his surrounding area to be clean. apparently Lola (kitten) does a terrible job of this, which is hilarious to watch because Lola despises being cleaned and it usually turns into a full out war. lol.
So yeah thats my thoughts on stormdancer... and my cats. im really undecided on what i should rate this book.... i think i'll go for 3.5 stars.
will i be reading the next book?
you betya but maybe not for a little while.