A list of likes and dislikes.

Rated 4 stars.
What I enjoyed:
- I really enjoyed the action in this book
- The fact they finally seem to of stopped the ridiculously multiple love-triangles-squares? that was just getting on my nerves!!
- The character's (for the most part, they were occasionally annoying)
- The villain and creepy robots.
- The ghosts
- The switch in POVs - especially Em.
- The scientific crazy-ness
What I disliked:
- The swooning.
- The Brooding.
- the ridiculous make out scene's
- the humor still wasn't as good as it was in the first book.
- the author has a habit of repeating certain words and sentences. (I will be happy never to hear people from the 1800's from england say darnation and tarnation ever again in my life.)
- we didnt get to find out anything more about wildcat.
- all the crying, why were they so emotional? over the slightest things!
so yea while there were some big downsides for me, in the end i decided this book was worth 4 stars just for the fact i enjoyed the crazy science side of things and watching every body kick butt with their made gadgets and superb powers.