Review: Touched.

Touched - A.J. Aalto

What a really random ending, actually its kind of annoying, I like labels and closed relationships. this is clearly the opposite of that! I think the reason why devious sneaky harry wants to keep Mark around is so he can have Chapel. this slightly bothers me on MJ's behalf (yes im going to feel her feeling for her, dont judge) because i feel Harry is being deceitful, though in saying that it'll be hi loss because MJ and Mark clearly have something more than just hot sexual chemistry.


Wess (sometimes know as Wasp) is an interesting one, and i quite like him. Im iffy on Chapel, obvious reasons - Janus-faced (its a thing, google it). Mark brings tension but i think it'll just make life more interesting. Hood could be an amusing factor. Harry, well... i get it, he's a vampire, his main concern will always be him and he's no doubt up to no good. but i know MJ's main concern is him as well, which bothers me. also he made her feel like shit and ugly. not cool man, not cool.

MJ on the other hand could be my best friend. She's a total fuck up, comes up with creative and engrossing new swear words constantly and everything else that comes out of her mouth is snark or sarcasm. she's loyal to a fault and has no problems joking about herself. utterly brave, possibly stupid. and has this incredibly large heart, while she's obviously terrified of being emotionally hurt, she still lets everyone in to a certain degree anyways. which couldn't be easy, so yea she's pretty awesome.


The psychic powers and the explanation behind them was excellent and a new one for me, which is always a lovely surprise. i enjoyed 'feeling' stuff through MJs power.

Oh and i loved how MJs narrative was false. A lot of the time we only had her feelings or perspective to go off, and she had the habit of deluding herself pretty frequently, bu that was easy enough for a reader/outside viewer to see past. but i still got a kick out of it.


This boo could of easily been a four but i must admit to Harry and his shenanigans dragging it down a whole star for me. he just lies constantly, always scheming. worst thing is is that he's back stabbing about the whole thing,  pretending to be loving and up front about everything. if this was chess he already has everything at a check mate and the rest are still figuring out where to move their first pawn. I seriously dont like it. but then he could be worse, he kind of makes MJ happy.



So yea a 3 star rating for this book.


Will i be reading the next one?

i honestly dont know.

Oh wait i changed my mind! i just read the preview and it has furries! LMAO. this is going to be hilarious!


Who would i recommend to?

fan's of Stephanie plum, but more... adult?

if you dont like frequent cursing or pages thick with sarcasm maybe give this one a miss. otherwise it worth a shot.






Favorite Quotes


'I'm not sure I even thought about it. Must have been my lizard-brain at work. My lizard-brain is miles from ladylike. As I flipped to hands and knees, one arm shot up and i punched the old lady in the box.




"You are plotting something. I do wish you would tell me what it is, so I can brace myself for the inevitable cock-up. The last time you ran off without warning, you got yourself mutilated by a knife-wielding lunatic."

I got myself mutilated. "how dare I?" I marveled. "Tell me how you really feel, Harry."




'I was gonna stab that bitch right in the head, and to hell with my karma.




'I hate sharks. Sharks eat people. I, on the other hand, do not. I have no plans to start, either. So how in the hell am I remotely shark-like?'



ahh good times, i had a good cackle over those!