Glory In Death review

Glory in Death - J.D. Robb

Silly me stayed up way to late reading this book, good news its done (was pretty awesome) and now i get to read the third one before i head off to work, yay!


Good things:

we did dive into the world even more which was great, its fascinating what has changed and what hasnt in comparison to ours. And its incredibly well thought out - with food def being one of my fave changes, due to the fact its an every day use that not a lot of people put much thought into, and that Nora did a fantastic job with these new changes, everything seemed so realistic.


There characters were great - there was some personal conflict going on at Eve's work which was interesting.


The case was also great! took me a lot longer this time to figure out the whole 'who did it' thing.


Actually the only downside really is how quick Eve and Roarke are moving, relationship wise. I think its highly unrealistic to expect eve to grow that fast emotionally, she was severely scarred by her childhood (as expected) most people would run and cut in her situation before letting someone that close, and if they were ready and willing to give it a go there would be a lot of baby steps. I'm fairly positive it's only been a few months since they met and yet she has already moved into his house? Sure he has hell sweet gigs, but its like her core belief, the morals she has lived by for so long have done a complete 180. I dono, maybe its because they have such an intense life, with threats coming at them from all angles that Eve is able to move forward at a very quick pace.

Still i think its a bit of a cop-out just to get the two together in a more serious relationship as quick as possible. 


Over all pretty good story.

4 stars.